The GPS girl of google maps

The rebooted Great Big Story conducted a fascinating interview with Karen Jacobson after she moved to New York from a small town in North Queensland, where Jacobson says she answered an ad about her qualifications.

"I wanted to become a professional singer and move to America and I did. Followed that dream to New York and not long after I moved there, there was an audition and a client was looking for a native Australian female voice over artist living in the northeast of the United States. I went to that audition and I got the job."

 Jacobsen also recalled a phrase she had to say over and over again during the test.

"There was a huge script a massive script and the team of engineers had figure out every combination of syllables possible for me to record so they could chop that up and create this voice system based on my speaking voice. I went into the booth and recorded these different lines. …I had to say the word “approximately” approximately 168 times in a row."

Unfortunately, Great Big Story ceased operations in September 2020. Then on February 15, 2023, a reboot was announced. We are glad that the smiling octopus is back.

"We are thrilled to usher in the next chapter of Great Big Story. Our mission is the same; to bring you the untold, the overlooked and the flat-out amazing."
